Employment Status of the Students admitted for Bachelor of Medicine, Bachelor of Surgery, Extended Medical Degree Programme in King's College London
- Proportion of students in work and/or study 15 months after their course ended :100%
- Proportion of students who are undertaking further study 15 months after their course ended :0%
- Proportion of students unemployed 15 months after their course ended :0%
- Proportion of students previously in work or study 15 months after their course ended :0%
- Proportion of students in work and study 15 months after their course ended :5%
- Proportion of students who are not available for work or study 15 months after their course ended :0%
- Proportion of students in work 15 months after their course ended :95%
Salary Status of the Students admitted to Bachelor of Medicine, Bachelor of Surgery, Extended Medical Degree Programme in King's College London
- Course lower quartile salary (15 months after graduation) :28000
- Course Median salary (15 months after graduation) :33000
- Course upper quartile salary (15 months after graduation) :35000
- Provider percentage for graduates employed within the UK (15 months after graduation) :100%
- Provider percentage for graduates employed in England (15 months after graduation) :96%
- Provider percentage for graduates employed in Northern Ireland (15 months after graduation) :1%
- Provider percentage for graduates employed in Scotland (15 months after graduation) :2%
- Provider percentage for graduates employed in Wales (15 months after graduation) :1%
Students Opinion about Bachelor of Medicine, Bachelor of Surgery, Extended Medical Degree Programme in King's College London
- Staff are good at explaining things :80%
- Staff have made the subject interesting :79%
- The course is intellectually stimulating :89%
- Course has challenged Students to achieve my best work :69%
- Course has provides opportunities to explore ideas or concepts in depth :73%
- Course provides opportunities to bring information and ideas together from different topics :77%
- Course provides opportunities to apply what the students learnt :93%
- The criteria used in marking have been clear in advance :56%
- Marking and assessment has been fair :61%
- Feedback on Students work has been timely :43%
- Receives helpful comments on students work:51%
- Students can contact staff whenever needed :76%
- Sufficient advice and guidance in relation to the course :67%
- Good advice was available when Students needed to make study choices on my course :64%
- The course is well organised and running smoothly :35%
- The timetable works efficiently for the Students :59%
- Any changes in the course or teaching have been communicated effectively :41%
- The IT resources and facilities provided have supported students learning well :84%
- The library resources (e.g. books, online services and learning spaces) have supported students learning well :88%
- Students able to access course-specific resources (e.g. equipment, facilities, software, collections) whenever needed :89%
- Students feel part of a community of staff and students :65%
- Students had the right opportunities to work with other students as part of the course :83%
- Students had the right opportunities to provide feedback on the course :76%
- Staff value students' views and opinions about the course. :50%
- It is clear how students' feedback on the course has been acted on:32%
- The students' union (association or guild) effectively represents students' academic interests :52%
- Overall, students are satisfied with the quality of the course. :70%
Data published from HESA, www.hesa.ac.uk, under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) licence after combining, filtering, processing, organizing, and arranging the data for the ease of public use.