Bachelor of Arts, Archaeology of Ancient Civilisations - Full Time Course Offered by The University of Liverpool

Bachelor of Arts, Archaeology of Ancient Civilisations - Full Time

Types of Jobs Students gets after completing Bachelor of Arts, Archaeology of Ancient Civilisations in The University of Liverpool

  • Administrative occupations
  • Natural and social science professionals
  • Welfare and housing associate professionals
  • Elementary occupations
  • Business and public service associate professionals
  • Sales occupations
  • Teaching and Childcare Associate Professionals
  • Animal care and control services
  • Artistic, literary and media occupations
  • Customer service occupations

Tariff Points of the Students Admitted to Bachelor of Arts, Archaeology of Ancient Civilisations in The University of Liverpool in 2022-23

Minimum Qualification of the Students Admitted to Bachelor of Arts, Archaeology of Ancient Civilisations in The University of Liverpool in 2022-23

Employment Status of the Students admitted for Bachelor of Arts, Archaeology of Ancient Civilisations in The University of Liverpool

  • Proportion of students in work and/or study 15 months after their course ended :85%
  • Proportion of students who are undertaking further study 15 months after their course ended :25%
  • Proportion of students unemployed 15 months after their course ended :5%
  • Proportion of students previously in work or study 15 months after their course ended :10%
  • Proportion of students in work and study 15 months after their course ended :5%
  • Proportion of students who are not available for work or study 15 months after their course ended :0%
  • Proportion of students in work 15 months after their course ended :55%

Salary Status of the Students admitted to Bachelor of Arts, Archaeology of Ancient Civilisations in The University of Liverpool

  • Course lower quartile salary (15 months after graduation) :18500
  • Course Median salary (15 months after graduation) :20000
  • Course upper quartile salary (15 months after graduation) :22000
  • Provider percentage for graduates employed within the UK (15 months after graduation) :100%
  • Provider percentage for graduates employed in England (15 months after graduation) :95%
  • Provider percentage for graduates employed in Northern Ireland (15 months after graduation) :0%
  • Provider percentage for graduates employed in Scotland (15 months after graduation) :0%
  • Provider percentage for graduates employed in Wales (15 months after graduation) :5%

Students Opinion about Bachelor of Arts, Archaeology of Ancient Civilisations in The University of Liverpool

  • Staff are good at explaining things :96%
  • Staff have made the subject interesting :91%
  • The course is intellectually stimulating :90%
  • Course has challenged Students to achieve my best work :77%
  • Course has provides opportunities to explore ideas or concepts in depth :80%
  • Course provides opportunities to bring information and ideas together from different topics :85%
  • Course provides opportunities to apply what the students learnt :79%
  • The criteria used in marking have been clear in advance :87%
  • Marking and assessment has been fair :81%
  • Feedback on Students work has been timely :57%
  • Receives helpful comments on students work:84%
  • Students can contact staff whenever needed :90%
  • Sufficient advice and guidance in relation to the course :83%
  • Good advice was available when Students needed to make study choices on my course :66%
  • The course is well organised and running smoothly :59%
  • The timetable works efficiently for the Students :76%
  • Any changes in the course or teaching have been communicated effectively :70%
  • The IT resources and facilities provided have supported students learning well :87%
  • The library resources (e.g. books, online services and learning spaces) have supported students learning well :89%
  • Students able to access course-specific resources (e.g. equipment, facilities, software, collections) whenever needed :90%
  • Students feel part of a community of staff and students :60%
  • Students had the right opportunities to work with other students as part of the course :76%
  • Students had the right opportunities to provide feedback on the course :89%
  • Staff value students' views and opinions about the course. :75%
  • It is clear how students' feedback on the course has been acted on:43%
  • The students' union (association or guild) effectively represents students' academic interests :62%
  • Overall, students are satisfied with the quality of the course. :83%
  • Data published from HESA,, under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) licence after combining, filtering, processing, organizing, and arranging the data for the ease of public use.