Southeast Arkansas College

1900 S Hazel Street
Pine Bluff, ARKANSAS-71603

Southeast Arkansas College Number of students receiving awards/degrees, by award level and by gender, race/ethnicity and age categories: July 1, 2019 to June 30, 2020

Award Level codeGrand totalGrand total menGrand total womenAmerican Indian or Alaska Native total Asian total Black or African American total Hispanic or Latino total Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander totalWhite total Two or more races totalRace/ethnicity unknown totalNonresident alien totalAges, under 18Ages, 18-24Ages, 25-39Ages, 40 and aboveAge unknown
Certificate of at least 1 but less than 4 years1635810513851106210007168240
Associate's degree165411240394905810005970360
Certificate of less than 12 weeks101138803601502120015532130
Certificate of at least 12 weeks but less than 1 year462323002680111001231660