American Psychological Association, Commission on Accreditation
Professional Psychology (IPSY) - Predoctoral internship programs
Accredited By
American Psychological Association, Commission on Accreditation
Nursing (CNURED) - Nursing education programs at the baccalaureate degree levels
Accredited By
Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education
Music (MUS) - Institutions and units within institutions offering degree-granting and/or non-degree-granting programs
Accredited By
National Association of Schools of Music, Commission on Accreditation
Teacher Education (TED) - Baccalaureate and graduate programs for the preparation of teachers and other professional personnel for elementary and secondary schools
Accredited By
National Council for Accreditation of Teacher Education
Institutional Accreditation
Accredited By
Southern Association of Colleges and Schools, Commission on Colleges
Sam Houston State University General Information
Level of institution :Four or more years
Control of institution :Public
Highest level of offering :Doctor's degree
Undergraduate offering :Undergraduate degree or certificate offering
Graduate offering :Graduate degree or certificate offering
Highest degree offered :Doctor's degree - research/scholarship and professional practice
Degree-granting status :Degree-granting
Historically Black College or University :No
Institution has hospital :Yes
Institution grants a medical degree :No
Tribal college :No
Degree of urbanization (Urban-centric locale) :Town: Distant
Institution open to the general public :Institution is open to the public
Status of institution :Active - institution active
UNITID for merged schools :-2
Year institution was deleted from IPEDS :Not applicable
Postsecondary and Title IV institution indicator :Title IV postsecondary institution
Reporting method for student charges, graduation rates, retention rates and student financial aid :Student charges for full academic year and fall GR/SFA/retention rate cohort
Institutional category :Degree-granting, primarily baccalaureate or above