Brandman University

16355 Laguna Canyon Road
Irvine, CALIFORNIA-92618

Brandman University New hires by occupational category, race/ethnicity, and gender (Degree-granting institutions): Fall 2020

Staff categoryOccupationFaculty and tenure statusOld new hire categories that are consitent with new codesGrand totalGrand total menGrand total womenAmerican Indian or Alaska Native total American Indian or Alaska Native men American Indian or Alaska Native women Asian total Asian men Asian women Black or African American total Black or African American men Black or African American women Hispanic or Latino total Hispanic or Latino men Hispanic or Latino women Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander total Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander men Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander womenWhite totalWhite men White women Two or more races total Two or more races men Two or more races women Race/ethnicity unknown totalRace/ethnicity unknown menRace/ethnicity unknown womenNonresident alien totalNonresident alien menNonresident alien women
All full-time new hiresAll full-time new hiresAll full-time new hiresFull-time new hires (New hire code prior to 2012)6011490007075051221010130822211202101
Community, Social Service, Legal, Arts,Design, Entertainment, Sports and MediaCommunity, Social Service, Legal, Arts,Design, Entertainment, Sports and MediaAll full-time new hiresNot applicable, current occupation does not map to occupations prior to 201218018000000303707000606101000101
Computer, Engineering, and ScienceComputer, Engineering, and ScienceAll full-time new hiresNot applicable, current occupation does not map to occupations prior to 2012523000303000220000000000000000
Business and Financial OperationsBusiness and Financial OperationsAll full-time new hiresNot applicable, current occupation does not map to occupations prior to 20121248000303000101000734110000000
Management OccupationsManagementAll full-time new hiresNot applicable, current occupation does not map to occupations prior to 2012615000000101101000413000000000
Library and Student and Academic Affairs and Other Education ServicesLibrarians/Library Technicians/Archivists and Curators, and Museum technicians/Student and Academic Affairs and Other Education ServicesAll full-time new hiresNot applicable, current occupation does not map to occupations prior to 20121138000000101000101936000000000
Instructional staff with faculty status, Not on Track/No Tenure sys, annual contractInstructional staffWith faculty status not on tenure track/No tenure system, annual contractNot applicable, current occupation does not map to occupations prior to 2012615000000000000000413000202000
Instructional staff with faculty status, Not on Tenure Track/No Tenure systemInstructional staffWith faculty status not on tenure track/No tenure system, totalNot applicable, current occupation does not map to occupations prior to 2012615000000000000000413000202000
Instructional staff with faculty status, totalInstructional staffWith faculty status, totalNot applicable, current occupation does not map to occupations prior to 2012615000000000000000413000202000
Instructional staffInstructional staffAll full-time new hiresNot applicable, current occupation does not map to occupations prior to 2012615000000000000000413000202000
Instructional, research and public serviceInstructional, research and public service staffAll full-time new hiresFull-time postecondary teachers (occupation code prior to 2012)615000000000000000413000202000
Office and Administrative SupportOffice and Administrative SupportAll full-time new hiresNot applicable, current occupation does not map to occupations prior to 2012202000101000101000000000000000